Our Impact in 2023
- 5 staff and 9 volunteers deployed
- 3 projects implemented in 2023
- 67 youths empowered with ICT skills and 27 drop out girls enrolled in school
- 12700+ women, girls and youths reached with GBV mitigation messages aware of GBV and Human Rights abuse reporting channels
- 8920+ people reached with hygiene promotion messages
- 6390+ children and girls reached with hazard preparedness; floods, storms… messages
- 9642+ children and girls reached with road safety messages and safe road use
- 100 youths currently receiving post-secondary academic and professional orientation
- 350 Care Givers trained on Nutrition Education
- 3200+ households aware of appropriate waste management mechanisms
- 4 community research conducted; GBV, WASH, Food Security and Road Crashes and Fatalities
- 100+ street children enrolled in school.