Summarized WASH meeting report organized on the 27th of April 2023 at UNICEF Field Office Buea, SWR, Cameroon.
Presented by;
Chelsea Pasiah (PhD) (
Dr Jean Baptiste FANKAM FANKAM (
Nkumbe Anna Nzong (
Key points;
- Creation of infrastructure management committees ( water, sanitation and hygiene for sustainability)
- Cluster to organize a training on global response to outbreak for WASH and Health actors – also WASH actors were advise to keep an open eye in monitoring WASH situations and Cholera outbreak vulnerability in communities
- Concerns were also raised on the need to review and reactivate the Technical Working Groups (TWIGs) for various components for WASH. A manifestation of interest was shared and the results will be out soon. Partners raised concerns on the selection criteria and that screening should be transparent.
- There is a need to organize the a meeting to set up the working groups before the 2nd week of May
- Also, WASH partners were encouraged to mainstream PSEA (Prevention of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse) in WASH programs
- UNICEF to do capacity assessment for all partners in NWSW on response to emergencies. This is because response to emergencies dispends on availability of logistics, resources and other key WASH materials like Aqua-taps, Soap, etc. A tool will be prepared and shared to all partners in NWSW
- Also, a consolidated capacity building plan to be developed and shared with partners
- Also, the Cluster reminds its partners that the Cluster does not actually fund projects but they can support supply of materials to organizations responding to life saving or emergencies.
- Some updates were also given on Humanitarian Situation and it should be noted that there is a Cholera outbreak in Yaounde the Center Region of Cameroon. This calls for concern for partners in the NWSW to carry out preparedness response. Also, terrestrial rans in Ekondo Titi Sub-Division were also recorded including other areas like Konye
- In March 94140 people were reached in NWSW regions of Cameroon in WASH response. In total 24 organizations were on ground ( 2 international National NGOs and 22 National/Local organizations for which YADEF was an active participant. These activities included; distribution of WASH materials and supplies, construction of toilets, clean up campaigns, community mobilization and engagement, distribution of Aqua-taps, hygiene and sanitation promotion, rehabilitation of WASH infrastructure etc.
- Information management products were displayed and partners were reminded to ensure coordination in response. This is because; the information products showed that many organizations are working in the same Division or Sub-Division (for example in Mezam many organizations are shown to be working there. Also, partners were reminded to submit 5Ws inputs timely and avoid errors and typhoons. These common mistakes disrupt the analysis of data by the Information Management Officer of the Cluster in capturing some details.
- Also a brief presentation on the 2023 World Earth Day was done by Better Earth international. This year’s theme was “Invest in Our Planet” and it is an urgent call and concern for humanity to conserve our resources, environment. This is because; by 2050 we might have more plastic in water than what we have today. Investment in nature will always produce multiple benefits. National organizations are called upon to get actively engaged in protecting our planet because our life depends on the environment. Therefore, if we want to have a better life on planet earth, then we must invest collectively in building the sustainability of the earth – plant trees, avoid harmful environmental practices and engage youths and communities. This is really a big area of response for YADEF in the WASH sector
- The meeting ended well and partners reminded to be committed in providing a more coordinated response and to always share any necessary inputs with UNICEF
- More any comments or enquiry please reach out to YADEF via: or (+237672631947) or visit our website for details on this reports and other WASH developments